Purple Cupcake -->

~A story about a girl's insatiable obsession with purple, cupcakes, and everything else in between! However, most recently, Nyjah.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Saturday bloody Saturday

I woke up to the joys of motherhood. My children had made a huge mess in the living room and kitchen. Pogs were everywhere on the floor and bowls of cereal were left on the counters. As with any other day like this, I ended up cleaning up after them.
I did 3 loads of laundry, folded 1 load, cleaned out the entire refrigerator, sweeped and mopped the house, and right now I'm frying up Danny's favorite 'Garlic Chicken.' The ubiquitous aroma is quite pleasing, I must say.
When will I have time to make more candles, soaps, room sprays and lotions? I've got a crapload of supplies that are calling out my name to be made into something. Come to think of it, I need to check the PO to see if more supplies have arrived. I've ordered more bottles, molds and scents to play with. I need to solidify my labels, quick!!!!!! The holidays are fast approaching and orders are piling in. Time management skills I have none...
Also, the boys' Old Navy clothes should be arriving soon too.


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