Purple Cupcake -->

~A story about a girl's insatiable obsession with purple, cupcakes, and everything else in between! However, most recently, Nyjah.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I think....

...I'm back. It's been a whirlwind! Definitely (struggling for) some order and structure going on in my life at this time. Thanks to ALL of you who have verbally supported me through this. I've always had all of you in the back of my mind pondering when I'll be back.

Requests for my business to start back has gotten me to into operation mode, too. I must, I will, I can...survive.


Blogger Shionge said...

Big HUGSSSS...!!!

Welcome back and I am so happy to hear from you and when I saw the purple heart at my blog comment I just fell off my seat LOL :D

I am glad that you are 'surviving' well, can't wait to hear more about it and that remember, no matter what stay positive and keep that spirit up.

Do drop me an email if you want to talk my dear friend. And hey, let me know how I can help in your business too...

Take care my sweet friend :D

11:20 PM  
Blogger david santos said...

Happy New Year....

8:43 AM  
Blogger Shionge said...

I am not sure if you could still receive this but anyway...Happy New Year to you :D

4:16 PM  

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