Purple Cupcake -->

~A story about a girl's insatiable obsession with purple, cupcakes, and everything else in between! However, most recently, Nyjah.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Up All Night

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I'm burning the midnight oil tonight! My 14 year old daughter is a graduating 8th grader at Saint Anthony Catholic School. I'm so proud of her accomplishments! Her Awards Banquet is tomorrow evening and I'm taking care of some business obligations for her school.

My how she has grown so fast...and I'm getting old!
It's approaching 2 am and I'm not even half way done. So, I will be away from my blog until after her commencement exercise on Saturday.

Have a wonderful and safe week everybody!


Blogger trisha said...

how neat! i have one graduating high school in two weeks. I am feelin old lately too.....
be proud mom!

2:36 PM  
Blogger Shionge said...

Yes, I could just 'sense' your satisfaction when you see your girl graduating.

My elder daughter is 12 this year and will be leaving the primary education and attending secondary school education which suppose is what you would call High School in your country.

Have a wonderful weekend too.

5:36 PM  
Blogger purplegirl said...

congratulations proud momma! you'll have a highschooler this coming school year. will she be going to a Catholic school also?

my little boy will start preK at a Catholic school starting in the fall. you're half way done and i'm just starting!

8:45 PM  
Blogger j said...

congratulations, you have a wonderful daughter :)

10:30 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Time passes much to quickly.......Congratulations, to your wonderful daughter and much success to her in the years to come

12:05 AM  
Blogger niceheart said...

My middle son is also graduating from 6th grade. Time sure flies, eh?

Congratulations to your daughter.

8:41 PM  
Blogger soapy said...

Congrats! Mine just graduated high school! and another Kindergarden... Good luck with your high school DD in the fall

1:46 PM  

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